
When I’m not traveling, I’m thinking about it. This blog is an exercise in nostalgia, and an examination of how travel has impacted me. As I travel more, I’ll write about that, too. I firmly believe that travel can make one a better person. In turn, we travelers should endeavor to positively shape our environment where possible. Let’s bring it full circle.

The basics: Working on climate policy and learning all the while. Always afflicted by wanderlust. More likely to be a malcontent when not traveling.

Speaks Russian (supports Ukraine!); German and Spanish are somewhere buried in the brain. Lover of books, music, and Finland. A feminist. A runner and cyclist. Interested in sustainability and international affairs. Has camped in Siberia, climbed volcanoes in Iceland and Rwanda, entered a Bolivian mine, and DJed in Russia. Has a list of mad ideas and a pseudonym.

That’s me down there in a slot canyon.

Buckskin Gulch

Want to learn more? Here is a list of my other publications.